

       臺久企業今年正式邁入五十週年(2023),銷售遍及海內外,致力於工業塑橡膠脫模離型 / 汽車養護 / 金屬加工等各大產業應用之化學清潔用品等解決方案,回首過去,真心感謝所有客戶的肯定與信賴,讓臺久企業產品深獲業界好評與肯定。

Tai JEOU Enterprise officially entered its 50th anniversary this year (2023). have sale promotion all over the world. It is committed to solutions such as chemical cleaning products for industrial plastic and rubber release / car maintenance / metal processing and other major industrial applications. Looking back on the past, I sincerely thank you for your kindness and trust.
       In the past five years, the company has gradually invested in the optimization of factories and production lines, and this year (2023) will start the product maintenance field of electric vehicles (locomotives), and at the same time introduce ESG carbon disk operations, and continue to invest in environmental protection, energy saving, carbon reduction and other product innovations and developments, hoping to provide better product value experience and services in various industrial markets.
      In the future, "TAI JEOU Enterprise" will continue to uphold the spirit of service first and quality first. If you have any service needs, please contact us. +886-4-26869770